Perfection Procrastination

Perfection Procrastination

Perfection Procrastination Perfectly perfect perfection.  Doesn’t that sound wonderful?  Not! What’s sad is about a decade ago that’s what I was working towards.  I honestly believed that if I just waited for the “right” time, for when I had enough money, for the...
The Reality of Confidence

The Reality of Confidence

The Reality of Confidence What do you assume when you look at a woman who you think is confident?  You might think she has it all together, never questions herself, doesn’t worry about what others think, or has perfect relationships.  Because, after all, isn’t that...
5 Clues You’re A Confident Woman

5 Clues You’re A Confident Woman

5 Clues You’re A Confident Woman You may view confidence as this far off, elusive trait that seems beyond your grasp, difficult to maintain on a day-to-day basis, or something you’re always trying to build because it’s not quite strong enough.  But you may be...