I’ll show you How
I’ll show you How
You’ve always known you were meant for more . . .
and how you’ve lived up to now is proof of it.
You’re a smart, heart-driven, and capable woman
who has achieved so much in both your
personal life and work, making sure things got done.
Over the years, you checked all the boxes
and met what was expected of you.
You fulfilled your roles, responsibilities, and titles
with love, giving them everything you had.
Now as a woman over 50, with no more
boxes to check and the expectations
reduced or successfully met, you’re
feeling something you’ve never felt before.
It’s as if you have outgrown your life.
Despite your successes and accomplishments
you feel a sense of confusion, stagnation,
and that you still have unfulfilled potential.
You’re at a loss for who you are now
and what you’re supposed to do.
At this point in life, you assumed things
would be different than they are
and wonder if a crisis could be brewing.
What would it be like to finally
live as the woman you’ve
always known you could be?
To what I call . . .

What does Create Your Extraordinary mean?
It means . . .
Becoming empowered to make the “second half”
more purposeful, vibrant, and amazing.
Living life on YOUR terms and letting go
of the limiting stereotypes of what
it means to be a midlife woman.
After years of being everything for everybody,
finally making yourself a priority
without guilt or fear.
Aligning your talents, gifts, and passions
with the wisdom you’ve gained
from life experiences to create a life
that is rich, meaningful, significant,
and, most of all, EXTRAORDINARY.
Are you ready?
Then you’re in the right place!

Learn 5 Habits of Confident Women (that YOU can do too!)

Learn 5 Habits of Confident Women
(that YOU can do too!)
I help women redefine midlife…
to create an extraordinary
today and realize their
dreams for tomorrow.
Extraordinary looks and feels
like elevated freedom.
The ability to live your life with
confidence, purpose, and vision.
But what you’re living is far from extraordinary.
At this point in life you thought things would be different but instead . . .
- You question who you really are and wonder if a crisis is brewing.
- You look at your life and ask, “Is this all there is?”.
- You’ve done all the “right” things and intentionally created the life you have but realize it isn’t a life you love.
- You feel empty, invisible, confused, unfulfilled, restless, lost, and so many other emotions you don’t understand.
- Your future is unclear, uncertain, and uninspiring.
- You think you’re getting too old or worry time is running out for you.
You know something has to change,
but not sure what or how.
That’s where
I come in.
I teach you the

with a 4-Step Method of life-changing
principles, tools, and techniques that
help you breakthrough resistance,
transform yourself and your life,
ignite your personal power,
and step into your future with
confidence, purpose, and vision.

The Result?
You become the woman
you’re meant to be,
live a life you love, and
create a future you can look forward to!
Yes, it is possible!
I can teach you how to achieve it!
Deborah lives true to herself with consciousness and is a beautiful role-model for others on how to live your truth. She is a woman who is dedicated and honoring of others in the work she does.
Carol Tuttle
Bestselling Author & Personal Development Leader

Hello my friend!
I want every woman to know that she is worthy, significant, and has a purpose—no matter who she is, her age, or where she comes from.
Not too long ago, I was where you might be now. I entered midlife feeling empty, lost, confused, and unfulfilled. I embarked on a 10-year personal development journey, and over time found answers and improved my life. Things changed for me and I am passionate about things changing for you too!
The goal is not to change who you are but to improve your self-image and elevate how you live so you can become the woman you’re meant to be. To embrace yourself and your midlife.
As a certified life coach, with clients around the world, I work with women (like you) who are ready to finally live life as the women you are meant to be—with purpose, confidence, vision, and empowered to CREATE YOUR EXTRAORDINARY!

Hello my friend!
I want every woman to know that she is valued, significant, and has a purpose—no matter who she is, her age, or where she comes from.
Not too long ago, I was where you are. I entered midlife feeling empty, lost, confused, and unfulfilled. I embarked on a 10-year personal development journey, and over time found answers and improved my life. Things changed for me and I am passionate about things changing for you too!
The goal is not to change who you are but to improve your self-image and elevate how you live so you can become the woman you’re meant to be. To embrace yourself and your midlife.
As a certified life coach, with clients around the world, I work with women (like you) who are ready to finally live life as the women you are meant to be—with purpose, confidence, vision, and empowered to CREATE YOUR EXTRAORDINARY!
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