Hello my friend!
I’m so glad you’re here!
Maybe you’re in your 40’s, 50’s, or 60’s, and feeling lost, empty, stuck, restless, or lonely. With kids growing and grown, career modifications, marriage adjustments, and so many other changes inside and outside, you’re wondering how to handle it all and what the future holds for you.
I understand because I’ve been there.
Not too long ago, I was a woman entering midlife dealing with changes, seeking answers, wanting direction, and yearning for more. I had lived in a people pleasing default mode for years, fulfilling the expectations others had for me. My identity was based on my life roles and career titles. I had intentionally created the life I had but things were changing and I had no clue how to navigate it all. And, to top it all off, even though my life was basically good, I felt dissatisfied and unhappy which triggered all sorts of guilt and shame.
Even though it looked like I had it all together on the outside, on the inside I was a hot mess struggling with confusion and feeling unfulfilled. I mastered the “fake it ‘till you make it” concept in a dysfunctional way. That led to repetitive negative self-talk, inner criticism, and paralyzing perfectionism, creating an emotional weight that sapped my energy and any optimism for my future. I kept waiting for something or someone outside of me to change to provide me with what I craved.
Some powerful life experiences led
me on a decade-long journey.
In asking “Why are these things happening to me?” I finally realized that the common factor in all of my circumstances, was ME. It was me that needed to change. I wanted a breakthrough because I knew I was meant for more. I started looking at every experience (past and present) as happening for me instead of to me. I became passionate and was determined to learn whatever I could. I went into therapy, did emotional and energetic healing work, read hundreds of books, attended classes, talks, and trainings. I prayed, meditated, healed, stretched, and grew. I learned so much, found answers, and most of all, made some important changes.
As wonderful as my personal development journey was, there was still an element for transformation I was missing. I would sometimes get triggered, returning to those familiar negative habitual patterns. What more was I missing?
In time, I found what was missing . . .
my brain.

Hello my friend!
I’m so glad you’re here!
Maybe you’re in your 40’s, 50’s, or 60’s, and feeling lost, empty, stuck, restless, or lonely. With kids growing and grown, career modifications, marriage adjustments, and so many other changes inside and outside, you’re wondering how to handle it all and what the future holds for you.
I understand because I’ve been there.
Not too long ago, I was a woman entering midlife dealing with changes, seeking answers, wanting direction, and yearning for more. I had lived in a people pleasing default mode for years, fulfilling the expectations others had for me. My identity was based on my life roles and career titles. I had intentionally created the life I had but things were changing and I had no clue how to navigate it all. And, to top it all off, even though my life was basically good, I felt dissatisfied and unhappy which triggered all sorts of guilt and shame.
Even though it looked like I had it all together on the outside, on the inside I was a hot mess struggling with confusion and feeling unfulfilled. I mastered the “fake it ‘till you make it” concept in a dysfunctional way. That led to repetitive negative self-talk, inner criticism, and paralyzing perfectionism, creating an emotional weight that sapped my energy and any optimism for my future. I kept waiting for something or someone outside of me to change to provide me with what I craved.
Some powerful life experiences led
me on my decade-long journey.
In asking “Why are these things happening to me?” I finally realized that the common factor in all of my circumstances, was ME. It was me that needed to change. I wanted a breakthrough because I knew I was meant for more. I started looking at every experience (past and present) as happening for me instead of to me. I became passionate and was determined to learn whatever I could. I went into therapy, did emotional and energetic healing work, read hundreds of books, attended classes, talks, and trainings. I prayed, meditated, healed, stretched, and grew. I learned so much, found answers, and most of all, made some important changes.
As wonderful as my personal development journey was, there was still an element for transformation I was missing. I would sometimes get triggered, returning to those familiar negative habitual patterns. What more was I missing?
In time, I found what was missing . . .
my brain.

I found an amazing life coach who taught me about what was really going on in my head. I learned that even though I had done so much work and progressed, my brain hadn’t changed. It was still running on the programming I lived all my life.
My coach taught me psychology-based principles built on cognitive science. I learned tools and techniques that took me through the barriers, impacted every area of my life, and onto living my life at a level I didn’t think was possible. And for the first time, I knew it was possible to live as the woman I knew I was meant to be.
No more being controlled by fear. No more living with insecurity. No more doubting myself. No more faking it. No more shame.
I created my extraordinary!
Today my life is filled happiness, peace, confidence, and purpose because I create it from within me.
I’m not special.
There’s no magical method or secret.
I just learned that we all posses a power within us to become who we want to be and live the life we choose to live. It all starts by making the choice to think intentionally, change ourselves, and create the results we want.
It became my mission to share everything I learned over the years with other women. I trained, became certified, continually increase my knowledge, and elevate my coaching abilities through continued education.
I want every woman to know
she is worthy, significant, and
can create an extraordinary life—
no matter who she is, her age,
or where she comes from.

Learn 5 Habits of Confident Women (that YOU can do too!)

Learn 5 Habits of Confident Women
(that YOU can do too!)

On aProfessional Level …
I am a Life Empowerment Coach for women specializing in midlife personal development. I am certified through The Life Coach School, and have also completed several other coach trainings and programs. I enjoy learning and will always continue to expand my knowledge and abilities to provide more value for my clients.
I love what I do and have developed my own way of coaching.
I foster a mentorship based coaching relationship with my clients, where we work together combining what I teach with you finding answers within you. My ability is to help your own wisdom come to the surface empowering you to take full ownership of your gifts, experiences, story, and future. You learn how to move forward with courage, have your own back, find success in the midst of failure, and go from saying, “maybe I can” to “yes I will.”
My clients describe me as
“professional, respectful, classy, and down to earth.”
I get to the point while encouraging you forward with clarity, honesty, and love. I offer expert guidance and support for your journey. I’m committed with a powerful belief in you and your success.
As far as my background and career experience goes,
I’m the perfect example of a “jack of all trades.”
My list includes marketing, advertising, sales, television news, corporate event planning, office administration, media production, and freelance writing. At one time, I was even the owner and managing editor of a regional magazine. In recent years, I’ve worked as a Style Expert for a popular online fashion, beauty, and lifestyle network.
On aPersonal Note …
I’m married to my soulmate, the mom of 9 (yes, nine) children, a mother-in-law, and a grandma. We’re a yours, mine, and ours’ family blended by love and powerfully bonding life experiences. I had a bi-coastal upbringing in New York and Southern California. We currently reside along the Wasatch Mountains of Utah.
On aProfessional Level …
I am a Life Empowerment Coach for women specializing in midlife personal development. I am certified through The Life Coach School, and have also completed several other coach trainings and programs. I enjoy learning and will always continue to expand my knowledge and abilities to provide more value for my clients.
I love what I do and have
developed my own way of coaching.
I foster a mentorship based coaching relationship with my clients, where we work together combining what I teach with you finding answers within you. My ability is to help your own wisdom come to the surface empowering you to take full ownership of your gifts, experiences, story, and future. You learn how to move forward with courage, have your own back, find success in the midst of failure, and go from saying, “maybe I can” to “yes I will.”
My clients describe me as
“professional, respectful, classy, and down to earth.”
I get to the point while encouraging you forward with clarity, honesty, and love. I offer expert guidance and support for your journey. I’m committed with a powerful belief in you and your success.
As far as my background and career experience goes,
I’m the perfect example of a “jack of all trades.”
My list includes marketing, advertising, sales, television news, corporate event planning, office administration, media production, and freelance writing. At one time, I was even the owner and managing editor of a regional magazine. In recent years, I’ve worked as a Style Expert for a popular online fashion, beauty, and lifestyle network.
On aPersonal Note …
I’m married to my soulmate, the mom of 9 (yes nine) children, a mother-in-law, and grandma. We’re a yours, mine, and ours’ family blended by love and powerfully bonding life experiences. I had a bi-coastal upbringing in New York and Southern California. We currently reside along the Wasatch Mountains of Utah.
Are You Ready?
Ready to do what it takes to get out of your own way, stop underestimating yourself, and take steps to discover what you’re really capable of and who you can become?
The Future is Yours!
Are You Ready?
Ready to do what it takes to get out of your own way, stop underestimating yourself, and take steps to discover what you’re capable of and who you can become?