
To My White Friends

To My White Friends

I’VE BEEN ASKED BY WHITE FRIENDS WHAT THEY CAN DO. First of all, thank you for asking.  I’ll start by saying that I can only speak for myself, and not for other people of color. This post is not intended to be political or critical. I’ll...

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It’s a Puzzling Time

It’s a Puzzling Time

What’s with puzzles?  Well, they’re puzzling, right?  They test us and stretch our minds in challenging ways. Some consider them fun. Not me. I’ve never been a puzzle person.  But I’m married to one and with the extra time at home during...

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That Loving Feeling

That Loving Feeling

Awww . . . February.  The month of Valentine’s Day, the month of love.  Earlier this month, we went out of our way to express love to the people in our lives.  The gifts, the flowers, the treats, the notes, and the cards.  And to so...

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Word of the Year? Not for Me!

Word of the Year? Not for Me!

It’s become the new year trend for people to pick a word of the year. I used to do that too, but I decided not to this year. I found that as I grew and evolved through the year, my word became almost trivial. Gradually losing its...

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You Don’t Have to Be Thankful

You Don’t Have to Be Thankful

You don’t have to be thankful.  No need to push the gratitude thing.  Sometimes it doesn’t just flow, and that’s okay. Telling yourself that you “should be” grateful can be more defeating than uplifting. There are no rules to gratitude,...

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Perfection Procrastination

Perfection Procrastination

Perfectly perfect perfection.  Doesn’t that sound wonderful?  Not! What’s sad is about a decade ago that’s what I was working towards.  I honestly believed that if I just waited for the “right” time, for when I had enough money, for the...

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The Reality of Confidence

The Reality of Confidence

What do you assume when you look at a woman who you think is confident?  You might think she has it all together, never questions herself, doesn’t worry about what others think, or has perfect relationships.  Because, after all, isn’t...

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5 Clues You’re A Confident Woman

5 Clues You’re A Confident Woman

You may view confidence as this far off, elusive trait that seems beyond your grasp, difficult to maintain on a day-to-day basis, or something you’re always trying to build because it’s not quite strong enough.  But you may be surprised...

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5 Ways to Start to Overcome People Pleasing

5 Ways to Start to Overcome People Pleasing

Many women become people pleasing divas, taking it to a dysfunctional art form continually performing at higher, sometimes extreme, levels.  People pleasing is exhausting and depletes your most valuable personal resources of time and...

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